
200 new jobs as medical-device player Nypro locates in Waterford

200 New Jobs as Medical Device Company Nypro Establishes Presence in Waterford

Exciting news greeted the people of Waterford this morning as it was announced that the region will benefit from the creation of 200 new jobs with the arrival of medical device company Nypro Healthcare. The company plans to set up a cutting-edge facility in the south-east of Ireland.
Nypro's state-of-the-art facility will specialize in manufacturing advanced respiratory and injectable devices for global healthcare and pharmaceutical clients. The expansion will lead to the creation of various positions, including healthcare automation engineers and technicians, healthcare quality engineers and technicians, operations managers, program managers, team leaders, and operators.

"Since 1980, Nypro has been operating in Bray, Ireland, and in recent years, our healthcare division has experienced significant growth," explained James O'Gorman, Vice President of Drug Delivery and Diagnostics at Nypro Healthcare.

"Our latest phase of expansion builds upon the skills, work ethic, creativity, and drive of our Nypro Ireland team. We now intend to establish over 200 roles in Waterford to manufacture complex respiratory and injection devices for our pharmaceutical customers worldwide."

Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Richard Bruton, TD, acknowledged the disproportionate unemployment challenges faced by the south-east of Ireland in recent years.

"Shortly after assuming office, I initiated the South East Forum with a plan to address these issues. Since then, we have witnessed significant progress, including several major job announcements and a tripling of site visits by IDA Ireland."

"The announcement today that Nypro, a world-leading company with existing operations in Ireland, will establish a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in Waterford, creating over 200 high-quality jobs, is a tremendous boost for the region," Bruton said.

Barry O'Leary, CEO of IDA Ireland, highlighted the south-east region's emergence as a pivotal location for the life sciences sector.

"Nypro's new facility, situated in a strategically important regional location, will focus on the development and manufacture of drug delivery devices, which are key areas of interest for IDA Ireland. This investment further enhances Ireland's growing expertise in these fields."

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