
Episode 2: John Dolan, Senior Manufacturing Engineer at Boston Scientific

We’re excited to launch the next episode of the High-flyers in STEM. podcast, hosted by none other than Roisin McNamara, Director of HERO Recruitment (  / roisinm  . We’re sitting down with John Dolan, Senior Manufacturing Engineer at Boston Scientific(  / john-dolan-a0b48725  . John tells us he initially joined the engineering space in a graduate automotive position and eventually worked his way up to managing R&D projects, which included essential developmental work for rocket launches. From there, he ventured into his current role of Senior Manufacturing Engineer and PMO at Boston Scientific John gives our listeners advice on how to effectively liaise with stakeholders, quickly expand their company, and progress in their career as career growth is not linear. He suggests that the career ladder should be viewed more like a map; you may get lost along the way, but keep your final destination in mind and you’ll find a career you’re passionate about. An episode filled to the brim with expert insight, this isn’t one to be missed.

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