
Objective Employee Assessment in Galway

Objective Employee Assessment in Galway: Choosing the Right Candidates

When it comes to recruitment, it's widely known that "people hire on skills and fire on attitude." So why not prioritize attitude from the start? Selecting the ideal candidate from a pool of applicants can be challenging and overwhelming for many employers. While interviews provide some insight into candidates' abilities to interact in specific situations, they often fail to assess how well they will fit into a company's culture. To address this issue, CCP Recruitment employs SHL, a renowned assessment tool, in their Cork and Galway offices to assist clients in selecting the perfect candidate.

Objective assessment involves a structured and scientific approach to understanding and measuring individuals' performance. It is crucial for organizations aiming to recruit top talent and maximize the potential of their workforce.

In collaboration with leading psychologists, SHL has developed a testing system that unveils over 260 significant personality traits of prospective employees. This comprehensive questionnaire helps define competencies, measure abilities, and understand personalities, making it an invaluable tool for employers.

Previously, only trained psychologists were qualified to interpret the results. However, Michelle Kilcar, Director of CCP Recruitment, has undergone direct training from SHL to administer and interpret this comprehensive profiling system. "At CCP Recruitment, we frequently utilize personality profiling to support our clients' selection process," explained Michelle. "Now, as a certified interpreter, I can expedite the selection process and pinpoint specific areas of particular importance to my clients."

Personality profiling delivers remarkable accuracy and can help employers avoid costly mistakes. As Michelle Kilcar highlights, "Without a doubt, more of our clients seek assurances that they are making the right hiring decisions, and these tests provide them with peace of mind."

By incorporating objective employee assessment, companies in Galway can enhance their recruitment process, ensuring they select candidates who not only possess the necessary skills but also align with their organizational culture and values.

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