
Starting a career as a Recruitment Consultant

Embarking on a Career as a Recruitment Consultant in Ireland

In January of this year, I took the first step towards my career as a Trainee Recruitment Consultant. Under the mentorship of Deirdre Finnerty, the esteemed recipient of the Recruiter of the Year award in 2015, I am now focused on technical engineering roles at our Galway office. Some of the positions I specialize in include manufacturing engineers, automation engineers, packaging engineers, test engineers, industrial engineers, and polymer engineers.

Although I was content in my previous role, I had an inherent desire to expand my knowledge and explore broader career prospects. After conducting thorough research and seeking advice from friends, I concluded that a career in recruitment would offer the best opportunities for personal and professional growth.

During the interview process at CCP, I was impressed by the team's unwavering drive and passion for the job. Their dedication reassured me that I was making the right choice and fueled my determination to secure a position in this industry. The chance to learn and collaborate with some of the industry's finest professionals was a primary motivating factor for me.

Upon entering this profession, I quickly realized that the environment is exceptionally fast-paced, dynamic, and not suited for everyone. Starting a new job with limited experience in the field felt somewhat daunting. However, our comprehensive three-month training period has been invaluable, allowing me to familiarize myself with the processes before assuming full responsibility. It has been a challenging journey, and only now, after eight weeks, do I begin to feel a sense of confidence in my abilities.

I was aware from the beginning that recruitment is a rollercoaster ride with its highs and lows. Now, I truly understand the significance of that statement. Navigating through the lows has been a personal struggle, but a simple gesture of gratitude from a client or candidate, acknowledging the hard work invested in fulfilling a role, serves as a reminder that I am on the right track and motivates me to persist.

Last week, I achieved my first successful placement, which greatly outweighed any previous setbacks. Witnessing the alignment between a client and candidate and facilitating a mutually beneficial match was truly rewarding.

With only four weeks remaining in our training, the time is approaching for us to spread our wings and operate independently. How will I fare? Only time will tell. But I am committed to giving it my all.

Top Tips for Aspiring Recruitment Consultants

Embrace the phone: Initially challenging, but with every call, it becomes easier to connect with candidates and clients.

Networking is key: Attend events, such as CIPD talks, and actively engage with prospective and existing clients to establish your presence and build relationships.

Resilience is crucial: Every job has its ups and downs, and recruitment is no exception. Treat setbacks as learning opportunities and keep moving forward.

Ask for guidance: Don't hesitate to seek answers to your questions. As a novice in the field, it's natural to have inquiries, and your colleagues will be more than willing to assist, regardless of the scale.

Harness the power of social media: Platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter are increasingly valuable for sourcing potential candidates. Utilize these platforms to advertise roles, search for candidates, and exhaust all available avenues to attract top-tier talent.

I would be grateful for the opportunity to discuss engineering and technician-level recruitment opportunities with you. Despite being in the early stages of my career, I guarantee an exceptional customer experience. We collaborate with outstanding clients throughout Ireland, and I have received training from the industry's finest experts. Please trust me to introduce you to fantastic job opportunities in Ireland.

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