
The Survival of a working Parent!

As I stepped into my chaotic home after yet another hectic day, everything was in disarray. The kids were running wild, and my partner was rushing out the door. It struck me how crucial it is for companies to provide job opportunities with flexible working practices. This made me reflect on the challenges faced by working parents and what we need to do to navigate the next 18 years successfully.

Working parents often find themselves blurring the lines between work and home. The key is to accomplish tasks within the 24-hour day, regardless of where they are completed. Whether it's paying bills during lunch break at the office or checking work emails at home while waiting for the kids to join for dinner, it's about efficiently managing time to create space for the things that truly matter.

The morning rush to get out the door without anyone in tears becomes the ultimate goal before 8 a.m. Instead of obsessing over organizing everything, focus on leaving the house presentable and ensuring your child isn't upset about getting dressed. If that means letting them sleep in their school clothes to avoid a 7 a.m. meltdown, embrace the genius in finding unconventional solutions.

Equip yourself with secret weapons to tackle the challenges that come your way. For me, it's a handbag filled with treats, which prove to be lifesavers both at work and outside. An instant thermometer and emergency high heels also come in handy during unexpected situations.

Trust your instincts and avoid second-guessing yourself later. If you've spent days preparing for an important meeting, but the school nurse calls to report a minor injury, there's no definitive right or wrong decision. Your gut feeling might lead you to skip the meeting or suggest an ice pack for your child and send them back to class. Once you've made a snap decision, refrain from questioning it afterward. Let go and move forward. Trust yourself.

Remember, it's all about survival and maintaining your sense of humor. Those crazy days will eventually pass, and in a few years, you'll look back with fondness, recalling how quickly they flew by.

Achieving a healthy work-life balance largely depends on the company you work for. Seek job opportunities with organizations that value and offer flexibility in their work practices. As a Recruitment Consultant at HERO Recruitment, I'm fortunate to work a four-day week, allowing me some balance in my life.

I partner with top employers throughout Ireland, from Galway, Limerick, and Cork to Dublin, to provide excellent job opportunities. If you're seeking that elusive balance with a reputable company, please don't hesitate to reach out. I'd love to have a conversation and assist you in finding the right fit. Call me at +353917300222.

Deirdre Finnerty, Winner of Recruiter of the Year 2015 & a Surviving Working Parent!

HERO Recruitment - Cork - Galway - Dublin  +35391730022

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